I love gift cards. Visa gift cards give you endless possiblities. Gavin & I received a gift card set from his aunt & uncle. One was a visa gift card, the other a gift card to Gap. I took both. (benefit of being married, i guess? ha!) When the cousins were in town we spent almost an entire day shopping & I picked myself up a few books I've been eyeing for a while, using my visa gift card. They sure do look pretty on my shelf. maybe one day soon I'll get around to making something out of them!
New Years eve we had an easy going night. Gavin was sick & the boys had a long day, so they were all in bed early. Everyone was asleep way before midnight, except me...so I spent NYE watching movies & organizing fabric. My dad got me these fabric organizers that I have been eyeing, they're from Fabric Organizer this is just eye candy to any sewist, seamstress, quilter...and it also makes me think, I need/want more. and now I have more room to fill up with more fabric!
I don't really do New Years resolutions, maybe try new things. So here's my challenge to myself for 2011:
1. Make a quilt for MYSELF! Since my 1st quilt, they've always been for someone else. I have the fabric to make a king size quilt for our bedroom, but that's a project for itself. That would also require to repaint our bedroom. But I would love to work on it this year!
2. Figure out my serger. and make myself a piece of clothing. that scares me!
3. To master stippling/meandering. I've done it before several times & end up hating it before I'm done.
4.Learn something new- that's the thing I love about sewing, there is always something else to learn. Just last night I learned to do something new! A french seam on a pillowcase! I only had some girly solids, so I made my niece a simple & cute pillow case in her favorite color. Now I am itching to go fabric shopping to buy more!

5. Photograph more! and not just the end product, but maybe some of the 'in process' steps to share.
6. Channel my inner inspiration for a cause. I'm apart of the DMQG (Dallas Modern Quilt Guild) and I can't tell you the talent these ladies in my group possess. I'm thrilled to have become friends with these gals & boy do they inspire me to do better & try harder. and attempt new things! If you are not apart of a quilt guild- you should! I'm constantly inspired by their knowledge of fabrics, techniques and technology! I really want to be able to put my inspiration and ability to good use & towards a cause or charity more often. Whether its a group quilt for charity or just submitting a block,I'd like to do something. I'd also like to donate a quilt to a charity this year too. If you have any ideas of these type of charities, please share your information!
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