I got some not so good news this week that one of my closest friend's Mother in Law has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer this week. She starts chemo next week. The outlook is good, apparently her type responds well to Chemo. That is a blessing, but none the less, CANCER SUCKS. I would know, I lost my mom 4 1/2 years ago, and it still SUCKS.
"Mimi" is one spunky lady who has 6 sweet grandbabies & i think loves to give her kids grief, or at least some attitude. I can't wait to do that one day ;) Whenever I see Mimi, even though she has 6 grandbabies of her own she is quick to sweep up one of mine and give them some extra love. Can't say how many times I've heard her say, "Gimme that baby." whenever they make a peep just so she can love on them & spoil the heck outta them. She is an amazing Lady, Mom & "Mimi" and I constantly tell my BFF that her Mother in Law can adopt me anytime she feels necessary.
I'm a do-er & a giver & constantly think, 'how can i help?' What do I love to do? i love to sew & quilt. So i think I'm taking on another project (this has been bumped to project priority #2- gotta finish Dad's 60th birthday quilt before the 25th first!)
So my theme for this quilt to help her be comfortable thru Chemo & the upcoming cooler months- is CANCER SUCKS. Kind of funny that my mom was given this button & often wore it. My sister even put it on her during her viewing, which might sound kind of morbid, but my mom had a funny personality, and probably found that amusing. In memory of my Mom & in honor of Mimi who is going to show cancer who's boss, the slogan carries on.
Now, I'm in need of some inspiration. I'm not a typical pink kinda girl, so I think I'll have to do some brainstorming. I need some style inspiration & quilt design ideas to carry out this theme....let the gears start working! Please share any ideas or inspiration!
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